The Golden Standard with a track record of decades and countless clinical trials underlining the many benefits, for body, mind, heart and soul.
What to expect:
Inputs around the weekly topics, practicing mindfulness together (bodyscan, mindful yoga, sitting and walking meditation), exchange and tips, evaluation of home practice, exercises and tips for applying, practicing and integrating mindfulness in every day life.
8 x 2.5 hour sessions, 1 full Mindfulnessday, an individual pretalk and aftertalk, the MBSR Workbook and recorded guided exercises.
In-person sessions (9:00 – 11:30 am):
March: 4 and 18
April: 15 and 29
May: 6
Online sessions (9:00 – 11:30 am):
March 11
April: 8 and 22
Full Mindfulness Day (10:00 – 16:00):
April 27th